How to make a mind map

  • Online Mind Map Editor
  • Rules and techniques for creating mental maps
  • Connections in mental maps
How to make a mind map

Mind map is an easy way to visually structure any ideas, as well as view or compare in detail.

How to make a mind map

How to make a mind map

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Where can mind maps be used?

You can use them when creating a presentation, synopsis, or even a resume. What for? In order to convey information clearer, brighter and as short as possible.

How to make a beautiful mind map?

A few tips:

  • To make a beautiful mental map, you do not need to describe the information in detail, as you can get confused, and no one wants to read a huge text.

  • The more pictures, videos, charts, colors and graphs, the better the visual perception of the mind map will be.

  • Do not use too many colors, otherwise your map will look too "clumsy" or even just become unreadable.

So how do you make a mind map?

Mark the main topic in the center of the mind map

The main topic is what you are about to research. It should also be centered on the mind map and may include an image or color that matches the theme. Our brain reacts better to visual stimuli, so you should use as many images as possible, the main thing is not to overdo it with them.

Add branches to the map

Mind Map Editor

Mind Map Editor

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The next step is to add branches. The main branches that emanate from the center are the key themes. You can expand each topic in more detail by adding branches from them. The beauty of the Mind Map is that you can keep adding new branches as needed.

Add keywords

After adding a branch to your mind map, you will need to pick up key topics. Try to keep them as short as possible; this will allow you to find more associations compared to longer and more complex phrases. Limiting words to key phrases in each thread also works well for separating information into main and key topics. Using keywords triggers connections in your brain, allowing you to remember a lot of information.

Using colors in a mind map

For a better visual perception of the mind map, you need to add colors. They allow you to classify, isolate and analyze information that might not have been noticed at all. You only need to highlight keywords or the most important topics.

Draw a mental map

Draw a mental map

Mind map online

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Visual notation

It is imperative to add images and other visual elements to your mental map, since our brain perceives images better than words, therefore photos or videos can convey much more information, and the brain, in turn, will remember it better and faster.

Draw a mental map